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Showing 1–12 of 18 results
Durga Bai: The Khirsali makes the fences around our fields and homes.
Durga Bai: Birds fly away, but come home to roost.
Durga Bai: A tree is home to many stories.
Durga Bai: The birds bring back news.
Durga Bai: Is there room for more?
Durga Bai: The holy Dumar tree, whose fruits look like little birds, is worshipped for during the festival of Navratri.
Count the improbable number of animals on an an ever-expanding tree…
Early 20th century feminist utopia – classic text illustrated by contemporary woman artist from the Gond tribe.
A cosmic vision of trees: exquisite art and folklore from the Gond tradition of central India.
38 extraordinary folk and tribal artists from India reflect on the museum as an institution.
Four specially-selected titles about the relationship between women’s lives, work and art.
A hand-picked selection of classic books from Tara, packed in gorgeous handmade and screen-printed gift bags.