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A brilliant rendering of the moon in the Gond style of tribal art silkscreen-printed on handmade paper.
A brilliant rendering of the sun in the Gond style of tribal art silkscreen-printed on handmade paper.
Bhajju Shyam: Mahlain trees are found deep in the jungle, holding each other in a tight embrace.
Bhajju Shyam: The roots of trees hold the earth in their coils, just like the snake goddess.
Bhajju Shyam: The detail is the same as the whole.
Bhajju Shyam: All life comes from a source, a small seed that holds the possibility of life.
Bhajju Shyam: My pattern is made up of linked leaf chains that make up the canopy of a tree.
Bhajju Shyam: The Peepul tree is so perfect that seen against the sky, it seems to have the same shape as its own leaf.
Bhajju Shyam: In the beginning, before the creator made the world, there was emptiness… then came water.
Bhajju Shyam: Animals – and the human beings – originate from the egg.
Bhajju Shyam: I realised something strange… I myself had become a foreigner.
Bhajju Shyam: In Gond belief, there is another world below, ruled by the earthworm — in London it is the Underground.