The beautiful handmade cards in this box are rendered in the intricate Gond tribal art style from central India.

A  Gond tribal fable about water...and on the human relationship to this most primeval of elements.

Visual narrative brings together stories of origins, transformations and endings from the Gond tribe.

By V. Geetha

For over twenty years now, we have curated exhibitions to do with our books and publishing. Some of these have focused on individual titles, others on our book-making, and yet others on broad themes that define our intertwined publishing concerns — to do with content, form and printing. As we worked on Painting Everything in the World, we pondered over these other exhibitions. What, we asked ourselves, is the relationship between curation and publishing?

By V. Geetha

Of the many titles that we have published over this quarter century, books featuring tribal and folk art outnumber all others. The artists that we have worked with come from different traditions, spread across the country, but there are almost none from southern India. Seeing Ramu Velar at work, we realised that this part of India might not have living traditions of art, but there were artisanal traditions that could furnish visual content for illustrated books.