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Showing 361–372 of 381 results
A powerfully illustrated and darkly satiric account of childhood in times of war…
A book of photos and essays serving as tribute to a city that hovers forever between collapse and hope.
Here’s another book about Frida Kahlo, and this one doesn’t feature even a single original painting.
A genre defying cross-media project reclaiming the Brer Rabbit stories.
38 extraordinary folk and tribal artists from India reflect on the museum as an institution.
30 photographers from across India dwell on the Indian flag in its human moments of pride and poignancy.
Explore renowned French photographer Marc Riboud‘s wonderful images through whimsical alphabetical cues…
A cosmic vision of trees: exquisite art and folklore from the Gond tradition of central India.
Indonesian trickster tale featuring Kanchil the mouse deer, illustrated in the Mata-Ni-Pachedi style from Gujarat.
Exquisitely rendered images of an imaginative water-world – in the Mithila folk style from Bihar.
Visual narrative brings together stories of origins, transformations and endings from the Gond tribe.
Exquisite hand block printed textile book in the form of a cloth shrine.